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Nissan’s Acceleration Towards Electrification And Carbon Neutrality

Nissan has appointed two experienced leaders to new positions to accelerate its journey to electrification and carbon neutrality in the Africa, Middle-East, India, Europe and Oceania (AMIEO) region.

Guillaume Pelletreau, currently Managing Director of Nissan’s Regional Business Unit for Nissan Center Europe in Germany, is appointed Vice President Electrification and Connected Services AMIEO, in addition to his current role.

In this new role, he will take strategic leadership of the region’s key role in the electrification of the Nissan business in AMIEO – a key pillar of Nissan’s Ambition 2030 vision, driving towards a cleaner, safer, and more inclusive world.

Within this global vision, European markets in particular will lead the switch to electrified driving. By the end of the fiscal year 2023, Nissan will offer an electrified option on all of its passenger cars in Europe, with more than 75% of sales to be electrified by the fiscal year 2026. The company also intends to expand its battery refurbishing facilities beyond Japan with a new location in Europe during the fiscal year 2022.

Pelletreau, who joined Nissan in 2005, will report to Francois Bailly, Senior Vice President and Regional Chief Planning Officer AMIEO, and will have a functional reporting line to Leon Dorssers, SVP Marketing and Sales AMIEO. He will be based between Nissan Automotive Europe in France, and the Nissan Centre Europe offices in Brühl, Germany.

Nissan’s Ambition 2030 vision also supports Nissan’s goal to be carbon neutral across the life cycle of its products by the fiscal year 2050. To reinforce the company’s commitments to the environment and its communities in the region, Stacey Levey is appointed Director – Governance and Sustainability, AMIEO.

Levey, who also joined Nissan in 2005 and is currently Deputy General Manager in Nissan’s global Corporate Management Office in Japan, will be based at Nissan’s European headquarters in Montigny-Le-Bretonneux, France, and takes up the role as Europe leads the drive to electrification and with Nissan’s first EV36Zero manufacturing hub already in development at its UK plant.

“Electrification and sustainability are the two key pillars of our business, as we continue to transform Nissan to meet the needs of tomorrow’s customers”, said Anish Baijal, Global Vice President, HR & Transformation, and General Affairs AMIEO. “We will continue to build an organisation to deliver our Nissan Ambition 2030 vision for the benefit of our customers and communities [at all Nissan dealers].”

Read more about Nissan’s plans in South Africa and globally.



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